Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Continuation of Post-Flood 2010

(Devastation in a neighborhood in Nashville)

(Flooded home)

(Loading docks at Opryland Hotel)

(Woman looks out over the flood waters...)

There is so much to do in this community... It is so heartbreaking seeing my people hurting. This is where I grew up. This is where I played. These are my roots. So many lives have been touched by this... Jobs lost, houses lost, families hurt... parts of history have been damaged. However, the beautiful thing is seeing others coming together and helping each other in this tragedy. There is a sense of unity that is stronger now than it was before. If you want to help or find ways to get involved, visit:

Flood Relief Art Show

Hands On Nashvile

Links: So Nashville Is Flooded---How Can I Help?

Nashville Flood Relief T-Shirts

The Post-Flood Zone

Ever been in those situations where you are completely in the moment, caught up in what is happening, then when the sun sets and the day is done you think,
"That was exactly what I needed to do today.... And that was exactly the right place to be,"?

It has been like that in this post-flood cleanup these past few days. For example, today Sherri and I ran at the into Franklin in response to a church post giving the addresses of a few people calling for help. I felt we ended up being just where we needed to be. We ended up at at an older couple's home, and we worked a lot with the woman who was absolutely precious. I was humbled by her gentle spirit and her joyful smile.
My house was not damaged by the flood (which was a miracle considering I live in a valley and next to a creek), but meeting people like her makes me determined that if my house ever had damage like so many people are facing, I would need to be like her... still smiling and carrying on with life. It was evident she was tired, but that did not stop her from being positive. I learned something from Miss Elaine today.

I have also learned a lot from my grandparents and uncle through this... They are fighters. Their house got flooded close by Pinkerton Park, and a boat came to pick up my grandmother in the middle of the night during the flood. My grandfather wanted to stay at the house and as much as people tried to get him to leave, he insisted on staying in the attic with my uncle to stay away from the flood waters in the house. Helping them clean their house after the water left, I realized how much of survivors they are. A storm came their way and they rose to it. I am humbled by that in them and I have taken mental notes during the past few days. I love you, Nana, Paw Paw, and Tracy...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Flood of 2010!

It began on May 2, 2010... Rain fell hard on Middle Tennessee and kept falling. By May 3, Nashville was declared a State of Emergency. Lives have been taken, and homes have been damaged or lost. It is a disaster. The photo above is a look at down Nashville next to the river...

              Here are more photos found from flickr of Nashville.

These next photos are from the Tennesseean covering all areas the flood touched. Destruction is the word...

(a park in Franklin where I played as a child)

(Two teens clinging to their car in raging waters, wating to be rescued.)

                                     (A street in Franklin...)

(Elderly woman being rescued from her West Nashville home)

It will take a while to bring this disaster to an end. Many have suffered losses. We will have to fight to bring our communities back to the ability to function normally again. We will have to stand up for each other in these times and help out our neighbors, family, friends, and strangers. We're all in this together, and together we will stand. I just pray that this will cause us all to look up to the King and stand up for Him while we stand together.