Thursday, December 24, 2009

Freedom Lies In Being What He Created

I have learned over the course of time that covering up who we really are to give off a certain picture to others is both hard and hurtful. Somehow in my early years, I had convinced myself through my own warped thinking that I had to be perfect. This feeling that I had to appear to have everything together and carry myself just so sometimes made me operate out of fear. I was afraid that if too many people saw that sometimes I truly could be silly, random, or just simply human, I'd loose credibility. (Huh?) This went on for years and it caused a lot of conflict in my heart. (Not to mention stress...)

Then, God started teaching me about freedom and not living out of fear, which began a process of examining, thinking, and changing the way I thought... I realized that in Him, we can be ourselves without striving to gain approval from others. We are to obey Him and live under His will and purpose... but He did not intend for us to put on a mask to cover up who we really are. He created each of us unique, with unique gifts and personalities to bring to the table of life.

Here is a real-life example, so we can be specific for a moment. It's a really simple one, but hopefully my point will come across... In the past, I was guilty of being paranoid that too many people would find out I could be a goof, like they'd discover that picture with my chipmunk-style cheeks and crossed eyes that was taken many years ago. Yes! There was actually a time when I was afraid that if too many people saw that side, I'd loose credibility. But guess what? I realized even God Himself laughs and has a sense of humor. Look at His creation.

Yeah. I'd say He has a sense of humor. (Photo taken during my trip to Israel, Nov '09.)

To sum it up, I learned that taking off the mask and being that person God created, while asking Him to change me into a better follower of Him is a much better alternative of being very concerned about the approval I may or may not get from others. What really matters is what He thinks, anyway, so it's best to strive to please Him instead of people. Once that kind of freedom in Him is found, it is a much healthier feeling! By the way, when I thought that I had learned what I needed to learn, God pushed me another step forward in the freedom lesson when He told me in my heart while I was in Israel this year to take the extra boost of freedom I feel over there back to America with me (I will post the full story later). And He's been showing me in many different ways what that looks like still. It was a very big and broad lesson that is still applying to many aspects of my life.

Before I close, I want to encourage anyone who feels like they need to put on "the mask" (whatever that mask is for you) that it's okay to remove it. There is a lot of freedom in being what God created you to be! (That's not to be confused with "settling in sin", which is a completely different issue than "taking of the mask" and just being you.) Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to enjoy Christmas. By the way, if you see a girl dressed as Santa anywhere, watch out... especially if she's running through a Christmas tree lot making turkey noises at night. Kidding! (But I have been known to do that. Just ask my friend Sherri, who has run along side with me in one of those adventures.) Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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