Sunday, April 25, 2010

Moments With God

~Rain is so cleansing... It's a beginning. A healing. A fresh wash of gentleness exploding into dynamic song.~

At 6:30 this morning... Sitting on my front porch watching the sun rise through the freshly-rained-on glistening trees, I asked God for peace over my life like I have time and time again. Then, a pang of guilt hit my gut, followed by a feeling of perspective and responsibility... I should be more grateful for what I have, rest in it, then give it away.

It goes like this... So many times I ask God for peace over my life, then it hit me that I have an overflow of peace that He has given me, and compared to many stories and paths people walk through, I have an over-flow of this peace. It hit me that I've put much effort in praying for peace in my life and have received much, so now I must put much effort in praying for peace over the lives of others. When God gives an abundance, there is responsibility to also give from that over-flow, like fresh water being poured from a pitcher so more can drink.

Perspective: the deep, heart-felt recognition that there is so much more past my world. I want to give. I want to live fully, with the full perspective. Peace be on your life, whoever reads this.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ache and Social Injustice

(photo found from a website online)
My hurt aches for injustices that exist in our world... Lately I have been doing more studying about the cruelty of human trafficking and how much of a problem it is in America. (Yes, our own country.) Sunday night I watched Human Trafficking, a 3 hour long movie that takes you into what is reality to many thousands and thousands who are trafficked... Man, did that hurt.

The cold hard truth is that I can't imagine having everything taken away like these people experience. They are real people, not just a sad face in a picture or commercial. Statistics show human trafficking is the fastest-growing criminal industry in the world... There is an extremely large number of victims being trafficked every year. Many are unaware this is happening or simply do not know much about it. But it happens, and it happens in the world around us. How long will this continue to worsen? It breaks my heart.