Friday, September 2, 2011

The Root of Indecisiveness

I recently took a personality test and scored very low in the area of Decisiveness, the ability to make decisions. As I thought of this, I realized how often I mule over and over-think things when I have to make a tough choice. I over-analize, second-guess, critique my decision in the end.

Why do I do this?

As I asked myself this, I realized the root of this problem. It's that little monster deep inside me that makes himself known in little ways, yet still he digs his claws enough to be noticed. The Fear monster... Dang it! As I thought I was getting rid of him, I realize he still lives in there, in my heart still safe in his little comfy home. I imagine he's probably soaking in his hot tub now, the little dufus, sipping on champagne, not knowing what's coming next for him. I'm going to make the next few weeks a bumpy ride for him in there. I want him out.

What would life look like if we could live completely without fear? For me, I know I could make decisions faster if I wasn't afraid of the outcome. When faced with a choice, I think, "What if I make the wrong move?" Okay. So what if? What if? What if?... My mistake will add an imperfection, yet I can trust it will be used somehow in my story for the better. I'm learning to say this when faced with a tough choice, "Muscle past Fear, go with the gut, and don't look back."

Perfect Love casts out Fear...

"Where Strength dwells, Fear cannot abide."
This is something God and I have talked through so many times. He is weeding it out of my life. When God uproots deep things from our hearts, it hurts, yet the outcome is more beautiful than we can imagine. I know this is worth it. Already I can see the outcome. He is making me more whole, He is making me stronger, more courageous. I pray for courage. I pray for courage for others. It is key to freedom.


  1. First of all. I LOVE THE PIC!!
    And second. I'm completely agree!! And curiously it's a subject I've been working on too lately.
    It's a very hard thing to do. And it's matter of time and pick up the opportunities and DO IT.

    Hope I can be more courageous too.


  2. First of all. I LOVE THE PIC!!
    And second. I'm completely agree!! And curiously it's a subject I've been working on too lately.
    It's a very hard thing to do. And it's matter of time and pick up the opportunities and DO IT.

    Hope I can be more courageous too.



Now that you've read my thoughts, let me read yours!