Thursday, July 15, 2010

Not Just Dance, But All

I have danced since I was really little, and it's been a passion that has dedicated me to the studio ever since. Dance studios have become ever so familiar, as they do for all dancers. The familiar barre, the floor, the mirrors that nobody likes because they always feel to big. (oy vey!) The familiar plie, jete, grand allegro...
Like it does for many who make this a lifestyle, dance in general has become very familiar... However, with me and my adventurous spirit, I get easily bored with familiar. So what do you do when you get bored with what you have dedicated so much time to and still love?

Before answering that question, I'm going to state my opinion. Becoming bored with the familiar is not a bad thing: I think it's a process many go through before the beginning of something. Like for me, it has challenged me to do something about it by thinking bigger! By thinking bigger I'm in the process of re-shaping a few things about my dance lifestyle. I'm going to get unfamiliar. Build something new: combine something. Do something strange and unexpected. Use resources and pull together different things to create a new style.

What are your thoughts? Have you ever become bored with the familiarity of your art form? Have you ever experienced boredom that in the end broke you out of a box into something fresh and new?

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